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Bot Libre Forum

new chatbot

قبل bobred نشر Aug 4 2018, 22:38

the aiml scripts are not working when I make a new chatbot now.

by bobred posted Aug 5 2018, 10:16

I had to type follow me to the store or something similar.i can say I walk down the sidewalk.And she will say I walk down the sidewalk 

with you.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 1933, today: 117, week: 120, month: 130

معرف: 23057186
Tags: aiml
نشر: Aug 4 2018, 22:38
الردود: 1
الآراء: 2287, اليوم: 128, الأسبوع: 132, الشهر: 143
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