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Bot Libre Forum : random remembered

RE: random remembered

قبل admin نشر Sep 13 2018, 14:23

You could use some Self in your AIML like:

    <pattern>where * live</pattern>
<li I like <self>var country = random("USA", "Canada", "Mexico"); #self.like =+ country; country</self></li> <li I do not like <self>var country = random("USA", "Canada", "Mexico"); #self.like =- country; country</self></li>
</random> </template> </category>

معرف: 23595052
نشر: Sep 13 2018, 14:23
تحديث: Sep 13 2018, 14:23
الردود: 0
الآراء: 2006, اليوم: 123, الأسبوع: 125, الشهر: 137
0 0 0.0/5