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Bot Libre Forum

How to create your own special event bot

قبل admin نشر Jun 26 2020, 13:43

Chatbots are an exceptional way to grab users attention for your next special event. They can register and inform people through the web, via email, or even with social media.

To create your own special event bot, first head to Bot Libre or Bot Libre for Business.

Here you'll want to sign up for a new account, and then click on the "Bots" icon at the top of the screen.

Select "New Bot", give your bot a name, and then set the template to special_event_bot. 

Click create and we're almost done!

At this point you've created a bot, but they still have generic special event responses. Let's change that.


Select the Admin box and navigate to the Training & Chat Logs page.

Here you can handle greetings, responses, all the way up to more the advanced topics like conversation flows or Facebook accounts all with a few clicks!

To get you started have a chat with our demo special event bot

If you encountered any issues, or would like help setting up your bot please email us at [email protected] or upgrade to our Platinum service and we can build your bot for you.

معرف: 34217199
Tags: blog, templates
نشر: Jun 26 2020, 13:43
تحديث: Jun 26 2020, 13:53
الردود: 0
الآراء: 2117, اليوم: 159, الأسبوع: 163, الشهر: 177
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