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Bot Libre Forum

Automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot

قبل admin نشر Dec 16 2013, 19:02

Keeping up with social media and keeping your online community engaged can be a time consuming task. Through Bot Libre you can now automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot. Any Bot Libre bot can be connected to a Twitter account. The bot will manage the Twitter account, checking status updates, managing followers, replying to mentions, retweeting important posts, tweeting your blog posts or RSS feed, and auto tweeting.

Bot Libre makes creating a twitterbot easy. Follow these 5 steps to create you own twitterbot, and start it tweeting for you today.

You can also watch this "how to" on Youtube here

Step 1 - Create a bot

First you need to create your own bot, this only takes a few clicks, see How to create your own chat bot in 10 clicks for instructions on how to do this.

Now you are ready to connect your bot to Twitter.

Step 2 - Create a Twitter account

You need to create a Twitter account for your bot. If you are automating your own account, then you can use your existing account. You can create your own Twitter account from the Twitter website here.

Step 3 - Authorize your Twitter account

From the Bot Libre website browse to your bot and click the Admin Console button.This will take you to the Admin section that provides several tabs of administrative functions. Click on the Twitter tab. From the Twitter tab click the Authorize button.

This will give you a link to Twitter. Click on the link, this will bring you to Twitter where you must accept the application authorization request, you will need to login to Twitter if you are not already logged in. Twitter will give you a code, you must go back to the Bot Libre page and enter the code, and click Done. This will return you to the Twitter properties page, next click on the Connect button.


Step 4 - Configure your Twitterbot

You can configure your bot's Twitter usage in several ways. Use caution when configuring your Twitter bot, do not use your bot for spam, or to violate the Twitter terms of service.

Tweet when someone chats with the bot

This property configures if the bot should tweet when someone chats with it on Bot Libre. It will tweet some like "Talking with anonymous on #botlibre".

Reply to mentions

A mention is when another Twitter user tweets to you, or about you using your Twitter ID, i.e. @brainchatbot. This configures your bot to reply to all tweets that mention it. The bot will reply the same way it replies to chat messages.

Reply to direct messages

A direct message is private message from another Twitter user. This configures your bot to reply to all direct messages. The bot will reply the same way it replies to chat messages.

Read friends status updates

Configures if your bot will process its friends tweets. The bot will only process its friend's tweets that include one of its 'Reply Keywords' sets. If the tweet does not include any of the keywords, it will be ignored. The bot will process the tweet like a chatroom message, it will only respond to the status update if it knows a good response, (requires a 90% match to respond). Scripted responses will also be used for tweets that are questions. The 'Read-only' option can be used to have the bot read all of its friends tweets, but not reply.

Max Status Updates

Configures the maximum number of friend tweets to process in one cycle.

Reply Keywords/Hashtags

The bot will only process its friend's tweets that include one of its 'Reply Keywords' sets. If left blank, the bot will not process any of its friend's tweets, unless the 'Read-only' option is used.

Tweet Search

Configures if the bot should search and process tweets that match a certain criteria. The bot will process, and possibly reply to the tweet, or retweet the tweet. Use this feature with extreme caution, and do not spam. Tweet search uses Twitter's search API which can include a list of keywords, and some other advanced syntax.

Retweet Keywords/Hashtags

Configures if the bot should retweet certain tweets from its friends, or its tweet search results. If the tweet contains any of the keyword sets, the bot will retweet it. Note, this use only keyword set, not Twitter's search syntax. Since the retweet keywords are apply on top of the search results, you only need to include the keywords, as the results have already been filtered.

Follow Messages

Follow Messages configures if your bot will listen to 'follow me', or 'unfollow me' requests. If the bot gets a direct message, or tweet mention that request a follow, or unfollow it will perform the request. The purpose of this is to allow the bot to provide some service to users that subscribe with it. Be careful in enabling this, it should not be used to allow Twitter users to increase their follow counts. The bot will only follow at most 100 users.

Welcome Message

You can set a welcome message to be sent as a direct message to anyone who follows your bot.

Max Friends

You can configure the maximum number of friends your bot will follow on its own. The maximum is 100 friends. You can still add more friends manually if you wish.

RSS Feed

Configures the bot to process an RSS feed, and post each new feed item to Twitter. An RSS feed is a standard XML format for news and posts. You can get an RSS feed link from your blog, or from many news and forum services. Make sure you give the full HTTP link to your RSS feed, this should be an XML file, not a webpage or HTML file.

RSS Keywords

You can filter the RSS feed results using keywords. To post the entire RSS feed, leave this blank.

Auto Tweet

You can configure your bot to tweet every set number of hours. The bot will tweet a random tweet from its 'Auto Tweets' list.

Auto Tweet Hours

The number of hours to wait between auto tweets. Note, if you bot only checks it status once per day, it will only auto tweet once per day, even if you put 1 hour here. To force your bot to auto tweet every time its checks its status, you can put -1 here.

Auto Tweets

You can enter a list of tweets here. Each tweet is separated by a new line. You can use formulas and AIML template to construct dynamic tweets.

Step 5 - Train your bot

You can train your bot how to answer tweets, mentions, and direct messages through several mechanisms.

  • You can chat with your bot, and correct any incorrect responses it gives.
  • You can add question answer pairs, or default responses from the Training & Chat Logs page in your bot's Admin Console.
  • You can review your bot's chat logs, or upload or import chat logs, response list, or AIML.
  • If you are a programmer, you can script your bot's responses in Self, or AIML from your bot's Scripts page.

That's it, now your bot is ready to start tweeting.

If you encountered any issues, or would like help setting up your bot please email us at [email protected] or upgrade to our Platinum service and we can build your bot for you.

There are already many Bot Libre bots on Twitter.
You can test things out by tweeting to, @brainchatbot.

by saxenaviraj posted Sep 25 2015, 8:56

how to i retweet my friend what should i write in retweet box or somewhere 

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Views: 6072, today: 160, week: 162, month: 175

by admin posted Sep 25 2015, 9:47
Currently you must provide keywords to retweet, you cannot retweet all of a user's tweets.

The best way to retweet a user is to add a "Tweet Search" for their tweets.
The "Tweet Search" entry takes Twitter search queries, in addition to just keywords.
So to search all tweets for a user enter,




You can also add keywords, or filters (-{keyword} excludes that word),

chat bot -sex from:brainchatbot

Then in the "Retweet Keywords/Hashtags" enter common keyword sets that you want to retweet.

chat bot
virtual agent
artificial intelligence

We will look into adding support for retweeting all of a users tweets.

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Views: 5862, today: 157, week: 159, month: 174

by ceremonials posted Dec 17 2015, 6:34

Is there a way to configure this bot so it can auto-respond to all tweets from users I'm following, regardless of what they tweet?

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Views: 5960, today: 160, week: 161, month: 171

by admin posted Dec 17 2015, 7:15
The bots will only respond to mentions, and tweets that match one of their trained question patterns.

What do you want the bot to respond with?

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Views: 5885, today: 160, week: 163, month: 175

by misterk posted Mar 12 2016, 13:14

help me please :-)

Token/api are ok

For retweet, don't work :-(

"Tweet search"

#tshirt -adult -sex
tshirt -shipping

Retweet keywords/hastags



Tks in advance

Updated: Mar 12 2016, 14:28
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Views: 5562, today: 165, week: 166, month: 179

by admin posted Mar 12 2016, 14:33
I checked your bot, and it is not connected to Twitter.
You need to go to your bot's Twitter page in its Admin Console and click on the "Connect" button. Do not click on Disconnect, as then your bot will not be connected.

To test your bot click on the "Check Status" button. You can its Log to check what it did and see any errors.

Not, on our main site, bots will only check their status once per day. You need to upgrade your account, or use our dedicated Twitter server to have your bot check its status more often.



Updated: Mar 12 2016, 14:34
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Views: 5934, today: 165, week: 168, month: 180

by Bantanium posted Mar 25 2016, 20:40

How do you make the bot tweet every minute?

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Views: 5827, today: 166, week: 168, month: 181

by admin posted Mar 26 2016, 9:16
If you enter -1 in your bot's autotweet hours field it will autotweet every cycle. How long the cycle is depends on your account, on our Twitter server Gold account cycle about every 10 minutes.


We do not currently have an option for every minute. Twitter has an API usage limit that resets every 10 minutes, so if you access the API for frequently than every 10 minutes you can exceed the usage limit, and every API call will fail.

Twitter also has a realtime API that we are investigating.

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Views: 5844, today: 173, week: 175, month: 188

by ExpressCornet posted Jun 7 2016, 21:48

For some reason my bot won't autotweet, I need to click "Check Status" for it to tweet

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Views: 5596, today: 158, week: 160, month: 173

by admin posted Jun 8 2016, 13:55
On BotLibre.com Twitter bots for Basic accounts will only check their status once per day.

To have your bot check its status more often you need to upgrade your account, or use our dedicated Twitter bot server at

See, https://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=12902620

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Views: 5620, today: 165, week: 168, month: 183

by Iove_All_Brony posted Oct 1 2016, 1:16

I want to retweet the hashtags #brony #mlp and #mlpseason6.

However when my bot retweet it, it also retweeted hashtags with it called #Clop (inappropriate material)

And much more inappropriate handbags. Is there a way to filter them so my bot won't retweet them?

Like a form of "excluding data" or "excluding keywords" I can use ?

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Views: 5020, today: 159, week: 161, month: 175

by admin posted Oct 1 2016, 6:52
To exclude keywords in your Tweet Search use "-keyword"

#brony or #mlp -#Clop

You can use any syntax from Twitter's search API,


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Views: 5081, today: 171, week: 173, month: 187

by Iove_All_Brony posted Oct 2 2016, 0:54

OMG, I didn't think of that. Thank you!!! <333

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Views: 4957, today: 163, week: 164, month: 175

by Iove_All_Brony posted Oct 2 2016, 21:01

Actually, another question. 

The excluding text written as >> "#brony-#clop"

So the bot reweets the hashtag and not the excluding hashtag #clop ?

Or is it another way? Can you give me a specific example so I can template it?

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Views: 5016, today: 164, week: 166, month: 181

by admin posted Oct 2 2016, 21:17
The tweet search is passed directly to Twitter.


To test it and see its rules.

The -#clop should exclude that keyword.

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Views: 5165, today: 163, week: 165, month: 176

by jackdurand posted Oct 25 2016, 22:15

How would I setup my bot to auto reply to new tweets by Donald Trump..



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Views: 5336, today: 169, week: 172, month: 182

by admin posted Oct 26 2016, 6:58
You can use a Tweet Search in your bot's Twitter properties to process and reply or retweet tweets.
The Tweet Search uses Twitter's search API which has many options such as from:user to filter tweets.


Replying to all tweets for an account may be considered spam will most likely result in having your bot suspended.

It is possible to reply to tweets that contain a set of keywords,


You can also retweet tweets that contain a set of keywords,


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Views: 4963, today: 158, week: 163, month: 175

by DentalPlanBot posted Dec 16 2016, 13:38

How about retweet with reply? I want my bot to search for tweets with a specific keyword and retweet with reply in it.

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Views: 4836, today: 166, week: 169, month: 182

by admin posted Dec 16 2016, 14:44
Your bot can reply to tweets using "Reply Keywords" if the bot knows a good response to the tweet.

To retweet with a comment, this is not something we support currently.

If you need any features added, we can always add these for your through a service contract with Bot Libre for Business,

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Views: 4703, today: 162, week: 166, month: 174

by ng3x posted Jan 10 2017, 6:20

I have followed the instructions given here to set up a DM chatbot, but it doesn't work at all. The bot is linked to Twitter but it never reply back.



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Views: 4803, today: 164, week: 166, month: 178

by admin posted Jan 10 2017, 6:58
The Twitter bots for Basic accounts only poll their messages once per day.
You can upgrade or use
http://twitter.botlibre.com for a shorter polling time.

See, https//www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=12902620

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Views: 4985, today: 165, week: 167, month: 181

by Iove_All_Brony posted Feb 27 2017, 21:13

You know the top right drop down box with the (Twitter) section? I used that and followed the instructions with the retweeting 

However, I got a replying retweet bot with whatever someone says to it like copy cat. "Hi, how are?" "Hi, how are you?"

It's annoying and I'm wondering if I'm using the right part of bot libre correctly.

Do I use (Bot Libre Twitter) or just (bot libre ) itself? 

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Views: 4423, today: 161, week: 163, month: 175

by admin posted Feb 28 2017, 8:02
If you do not want your bot to reply to messages, unclick "Reply to mentions" and "Reply to direct messages".

You can create a Twitter bot on either botlibre.com or twitter.botlibre.com or botlibre.biz

twitter.botlibre.com will reply the fastest unless you upgrade your account.

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Views: 4557, today: 168, week: 170, month: 181

by axlisnotcool posted Jun 28 2017, 14:56
Hey, ahm I was wondering how do I make the bot autotweet every half an hour?

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Views: 4592, today: 171, week: 173, month: 186

by admin posted Jun 28 2017, 15:33
You can enter -1 in the hours to tweet every cycle.
You would also need to upgrade to a Platinum or Diamond account.

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Views: 4530, today: 167, week: 169, month: 183

by Goldman0526 posted Aug 17 2017, 13:35

Hello, I've recently set up a bot to tweet out quote every hour or so, but it seems that even when I set the auto tweet hours to -1, the bot won't tweet unless I come in and check the status myself. What am I doing wrong?

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Views: 4487, today: 181, week: 184, month: 201

by admin posted Aug 17 2017, 19:42
The Twitter bots for Basic accounts only poll their messages once per day.
You can upgrade or use
http://twitter.botlibre.com">twitter.botlibre.com for a shorter polling time.

See, https://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=12902620

Updated: Aug 17 2017, 19:43
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Views: 4252, today: 155, week: 158, month: 172

by NoblePrince posted Dec 26 2017, 9:36

My twitter won’t allow access to my bot. It says token has expired or something. What should I do?

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Views: 4285, today: 173, week: 175, month: 191

by darksido posted Dec 26 2017, 10:33


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Views: 4290, today: 174, week: 178, month: 193

by admin posted Dec 27 2017, 18:01
What is the exact error message?

You can go to your bot's Twitter page in its Admin Console, and click "Disconnect" then click "Connect" to reset your token.
Or you can click "Authorize" to get a new token.

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Views: 4419, today: 167, week: 170, month: 184

by ricon posted May 1 2018, 0:40

If you use an RSS Feed, does that mean the bot only posts when the RSS Feed updates?

What if you set Auto Tweet to run every hour? Does that only operate on the tweets you’ve listed at Auto Tweets? It doesn’t apply to the RSS Feed?

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Views: 4131, today: 167, week: 171, month: 186

by admin posted May 1 2018, 11:40
Yes, the bot will monitor the RSS feed (or feeds) and tweet any new RSS posts.
The bot will still perform autotweets, and other tweets as configured.

Autotweet hours only applies to autotweets, only these will be posted every hour. RSS post will occur whenever there is a new RSS post.

Thumbs up: 1, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
Views: 4136, today: 168, week: 171, month: 184

by jmorris31 posted Aug 29 2018, 6:11

I'm wondering will a bot made for retweeting content based on keywords automatically search and retweet these things? If so how regularly? Or do I need to manually do this by using the check status key?

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Views: 3505, today: 167, week: 170, month: 180

by admin posted Aug 29 2018, 8:09
Yes, if you configure your bot with a Twitter account, and setup a "Tweet Search" and "Retweets" using keywords it will process this search and retweet based on those keywords.

How often the bot does this depends on your account, for Basic accounts bots only check their Twitter status once per day.
For Platinum accounts bots check about every 15 minutes.

See "Tweet Cycle",

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Views: 3639, today: 161, week: 164, month: 179

by twitt_heure posted May 8 2020, 1:18
My tweeter Bot RT some tweets. It works fine.
Is there a way to make my twitter Bot like some tweets instead ?


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Views: 2481, today: 165, week: 168, month: 181

by admin posted May 8 2020, 7:52
Currently only retweet it supported not like.
We will investigate this feature for our next release.

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Views: 2451, today: 170, week: 174, month: 191

معرف: 5015
Tags: blog, how to, twitter, social media
نشر: Dec 16 2013, 19:02
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